Best place to get a colony of orange heads?


Established Member
Dubia are doing well but he won't take them very often.

I don't see the point in keeping the dubia if he is only eating 2-3 a week so planning on switching over to orange heads and giving away my dubia colony.

Any idea where I might be able to get a healthy colony of both breeding sized adults and enough nymphs to get me through the next 2 months till the adults breed?
Spoke with a very nice guy today out in Arizona:

Does anyone have any thoughts on how many I would need? I am feeding a 4 month old panther and would like to use about 5-6 orange heads per day.

I thought about 40 mixed adults as breeder stock and about 300 nymphs around 1/4" to feed off until the colony is established enough to supply 5-6 per day. Do those numbers sound right?
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