Best roach species?


Avid Member
So is it pretty much a consensus that dubias are the superior roach to breed? I ask because it's the one I see for sale right now the most frequently. I would prefer one that breeds quickly & is relatively easy to rear. My friend is raising dubias but they seem to be slow to start up. He's had his for roughly 3 months. I've only had roaches sporadically over the years. Last time I think it was orange death heads if I remember correctly.


Dubias have live babies, they are easy to clean up, don't climb up smooth surfaces, and they are hardy.
I also have dubias. They aren't too bad to start up. They are easy to clean after as Syn said. My males can climb the walls of my glass container so use a lid to be safe. I would like to try hissers since that is what is in Madagascar naturally but I haven't heard much as far as raising them. I would love to hear more if people know anything.
Hissers love to climb, or so I've heard. Glad to know ahead of time males can climb because I'm getting a starter colony today.
Hissers can climb on glass, especially when young and little. The big males and adult females cant climb, but just because they are too heavy to climb. I have kept them in a "tall" glass aquarium, didn't remember the dimensions but it was about 20x20x40 maybe. They need heat lamp and humidity as well, cuz in madagascar they live in the forests ground and low levels. Mine ones fav food was bananas :) They eat vegies, fruits, greens and so. In a closed enclosure its easy to breed em i think.
Just for fun: take a really big male hisser, get it on your t-shirt where u can see it too, and go for a walk in the city:D freaking fun imho:D:D i did it sometimes in the summer, and always got a sit on the public transport;) hehe

Good luck!

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