Best "starter"worms


New Member
My adorable 3 month old is doing so well on crickets I am reticent to vary his diet...but I'm sure that would be best. So, what is the best starter worm to begin? Silk? My Nosy Be has a great appetite and is doing VERY well growing like a weed eating about 10 small gut loaded crickets a day. He's quite a hunter. Today I saw him hunting a droplet of water. It was so cute! Also, where do you like to order your worm of choice? My local pet shop only stocks superworms which seem far too big for the little fella.

mealworms are the easiest of all feeders to raise, but would make a terrible staple. dubia roaches are also easy to raise and make a much better staple. a self perpetuating mealworm colony can be kept in something as small as a large margarine tub, dont feed them frequently, but they can be useful when nothing else is available. the great thing about both dubia and mealworms is once you buy them , you should never have to buy them again
I fed my small cham a few meal worms and they seemed to be hard on him they are not soft and do not digest very well id wait til your chams a lil older...... if you can get your hands on small horn worms I feed my small cham those once a week but not a staple. I would stick to crickets and gut loading them well for the first six months about 10 daily because there nutritous and go down easy and the first 6-9 months a cham has a growth spurt
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