Best way to feed dubia roaches to my Jackson


New Member
Hello, I have need advise on which way is best to feed dubia roaches to my male Jackson. I have him in a terrarariun which the front side and bottom is glass and the left and right side , back and top lid is all mesh. But I see he's having trouble catching he's dubia bcz they hide on the corners and behind the leaves. Which on the other hand crickets like to crawl all over the mesh area and he had no problem. The dubia also like to hide underneath the driftwood I have for my Jackson to climb up. Any advise from any chameleon owner who's had this issue and found ways around it, would help on tips. Thanks
I hand feed roaches for this reason. Or set them on a branch in view of the chameleon.

You can try a feeding bin, but they wont move around much, and he may ignore them. Ive had mixed success with feeding bins.
My guy will eat them from my finger tips, but before that I would put a few in a plastic cup that they cant climb out of, and I would put a few more on the leafs of his plants. That way you can be sure he eats, but also has some to hunt for.
If you put them in a cup it is helpful to put something in the cup that will disrupt them like a superworm. I usually hand/tong feed them, but I have one specific cham that will not eat anything but Dubia will not eat out of a cup and will not eat with anyone in the he gets them free range and yes they hide:rolleyes: I feed only adult dubia to him so they don't get out, also he is my only cham that doesn't have a potted plant in his cage other than the hanging one. IF you have a potted plant they will all just go under the plant and you can have 20-50 just sitting under the plant :mad:
Thanks...... I'll try the cup theory, hopefully that helps, I have no potted plants so it should help.
What i have found, that works is making a cup like container (Gallon Jug) and hot gluing a netted service or a screen at a verticle slope, so the roaches can climb a little and move. this usually attracts his attention enough to get him eating. And the roaches seem to move around more. Hope this helps.:)
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