Best way to water crickets?


New Member
I've been using Flukers Orange cube as water but it seems to dry up pretty quick. I've seen the gel water and the water pillows around what do you guys use?
for a cricket colony... i wouldnt i dont use fruits any longer for moisture. ghann's water source or these cricket pillows it the way to go in my opinion.

fruits and veggies just make the bin stinky with the cricket poo getting all wet.

try feeding them a dry food and using a cricket pillow should do very well with the cricket bin.

as for gutloading, put the crickets you want to get the healthy meal in a separate container.. im sure you know the deal by now.
I looked at the ingredients on the orange water cubes, they are full of chemicals and artificial colors.
Why do they need to add color to water? It just makes it unhealthy, just like processed foods for humans.

All those chemicals can't be good for chams. I give them water via apples, oranges and potatoes which have lots of water content.
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