Big, hairy beast!


New Member
Came home to this possum sitting on my dubia collection!! Oh. No. You. Didn't!! Bout a 20lb'er and took about 10 min to get him out of the garage! Ugly bastich! :/ ImageUploadedByTapatalk1328331696.994632.jpg
Our dogs trapped some possums a couple times and them suckers are mean. Our dogs were not stupid when they would try to play dead.
That sucks, lucky it didnt get turned over. I had a racoon knock over my cricket bin in my garage. Had over 500crickets loose.
I had my mom in the car when we pulled up. The garage was already opened and I saw him under the truck. I thought that it was a fat cat until I saw the snout! Mom didn't exit the car until it scurried out! Lol. Nasty lil dude! :/
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