Bikram's New Digs


New Member
My male veiled, Bikram, is 10 months now. I have moved him into a larger enclosure. I upgraded to a double nozzle on my mistking and put some drainage holes in the bottom of the cage with a tray underneath. I'm also on the look out for some large drift wood, he really liked that in his old cage.

I am considering upgrading to a reptisun 10 for this cage, any thoughts?



I use a 10 on my large cage. There isnt a huge difference between the bulbs in a big cage because the differences are at like a foot and closer once you get to two feet away they are about the same, little to none. So as long as you have somewhere for him to get away from the light youll be fine.
Is this a 2x2x4 cage?? Right now, I am using a reptisun 10.0 for my chameleon who is in the 2x2x4 lllreptile cage. I got the 10.0 for really cheap and after doing some research, I saw that people who have used them in the past haven't had a problem. Most people, however recommend the 5.0 even for a big cage, so unless you can't get 5.0, or 10.0 are cheaper, I would say just stay with the reptisun 5.0.
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