bioluminescent mushrooms

Well, I'm assuming you mean for a chameleon enclosure? :rolleyes: If so (I am totally guessing here, but it is a somewhat educated guess :p) I would say there are a few things to think of. First is the actual light given off. I don't think this would be a major issue due to the sleeping habits of most chameleons near the top of enclosures, but light of any kind could present issues. I do not know what type of light would be present, but it would be present even during the day when we wouldn't necessarily see it, and could be an issue (no actual info to prove or disprove). Next would be the actual environment that the shrooms would thrive in. Rotting wood is necessary (I think) for many of the mushrooms to thrive and this environment may also harbor other bacteria, fungus, mold, etc. Also, there is the issue of toxicity. I do not know if there is an issue, but there are theories out there that the glowing is a warning of sorts. I will be honest though, there are equally as many theories that say the light is to attract insects to aid in spore dispersal. Lastly, the issue of spores. Mushroom spores could be irritating if in the air inside the enclosure. I wouldn't want to introduce any irritants to the chameleon's environment. O.K., so I guess this will actually just be one of those stream of consciousness posts that isn't necessarily very educated.....:eek:. ;)
In a way I would like to do a bit of research and then give you an answer based on science. I'm not going to though, because I don't have the time, and I don't think having a tiny little glow around my cham cages sounds particularly cool.................................... I certainly won't be getting any mushrooms for my chams for all the reasons that have been mentioned by Decadancin. And possibly more if I could be bothered to think :)

I have had ideas that would truly blow your minds when it comes to 'other living things to add to a cham enclosure' - I have had to give up on most of my favorites after careful consideration..........

Yeah, that about covers it for me.....I was right but apparently I'm uncool. I guess I can live with that :D

hahahahaha, nice sig Snake.......I knew a Canadian girl once :).....she used to live with a friend of mine....a handsome young poet from Hull called John Dixie.........he's in Exeter now doing a Phd in some biology type science thing. He is my best drinking buddy and I've not seen him for a few months now......don't know why I felt the need to mention this really but since you actually remind me of my brother Ben in some ways it's going on the forum :)
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