Black spots on baby veiled head


Established Member
Hey guys,
So I notice this black mark on my little googles head I thought It might of been a burn so I moved the heat further away so it doesn't get so hot now this morning I noticed another little one just above his eye, could it be bruising from rubbing on branches or what? He is only about 9 weeks old. He's mood has not changed and he is still acting as normal. Here are some pics


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my girl gets spots that look like that on occasion. sometimes from leaning against things, or hitting her body on something, sometimes she just gets them randomly. i'm not 100% sure what it is though
yeh ive been reading and have thought it could b bruising, how long does yours take to go away?
It only gets to about to a max of 90 at his basking spot, I'm a almost 100% sure there bruises cause I saw him sustain a bruise today on his back and it looks identical to the ones on his head, it came up almost instantly and bruise so easily.
I noticed the same thing on my lil girls head today, she is about the same age. I didnt know what it was, but today she is being really active and likes to come out of her cage and hang out on the couch and my shirt. and I noticed her bumping her head cause she wanted to come out with me. I think thats what it came from, does anyone else have that happen, or just even them wanting to come out and just be with you when they hear you and see you?
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