New Member
I have a beautiful Nosy Be that about 1 week ago i noticed had black spots on his back knees and 1 on his side. I've read on other threads that usually the cause is a burn when they are identical and on the back knees and i have never had this problem before. However would that account for the one on his side too? His cage is 24 x 24 x 36, just getting ready to put him in a larger cage. He uses a 5.0 uvb and a 40 watt reg light bulb. His basking temps are 87 and his bottom is around 73. I have noticed that his favorite basking branch is a little close to the light, about 4-5" but i thought as long as the temps are still good it would be ok. Is it? Should i hurry up and pt him in his new cage? He very rarely climbs on the screen and seems very healthy. His eating and drinking is fine and i really think it is bothering me much more than him. However i don't want to just leave it and end up with troubles. I have been putting an antibiotic on it 1 x a day. Do you think that is ok and is that often enough. Nothing swelling. If you look in my gallery you can actually see the black spots that i am talking about. His name is Amadeaous. Thanks in advance.