Blackening teeth


New Member
Hey guys,

I think the title pretty much sums things up lol. My Chameleon's teeth have started going black in places. I'm wondering wether its just locust remnants building up, but I figured I would ask here before moving further with it.

If its just a case of locust remains, is it recommended to try brush their teeth. If so, does anyone have any advice for doing it?

The other thing I tend to hear about is Mouth Rot, although I dont think it is that as from what I've heard the symptoms are alot worse than what I see. Would anyone be able to describe that?

I dont know wether I'm asking alot here, but I'm hoping someone can advise me.

If any other information is needed, I'll be happy to answer.

You'll have to forgive me, the only camera I have to take the photo is from my phone, and my Chameleon's already sussed that my phone makes a noise and is often pointed at him, hence he doesnt like it. It made him open his mouth, but he was squirming a bit. Hopefully you can see that his teeth are a little discoloured in places. I wondered if it was something to be cleaned off, or wether it needs big treatment.
Hard to tell in your photo exactly what's going on, but how old is he? I've seen this sometimes in older chameleons, say 4+ years old.
I bought him as an infant almost a year ago. So he wouldnt be more than 15 months old I would have thought.

Thats the thing, he's not neccesarily showing any signs its causing him discomfort. As far as I cant tell its just blackening. But I want to make sure its nothing too serious that I could sort now before it develops. He's eating fine, nothing wrong with anything coming out the other end.

I can just make out in the picture, where his teeth are, if you follow it round, you can see the more blackened patches. I'm afraid thats about as good as I'm going to get :S. Lets just say this Chameleon does not pose.
I am not sure, I just can't make out enough detail in the pic to make even a guess.

If it concerns you enough you may want to take him to the vet to be looked at. It doesn't appear to be an emergency situation. So you could find a good vet even save up if you had to.

I don't think brushing a Chameleons teeth is a good idea. If he doesn't like to have his picture taken it probably will hate a tooth brushing. :D
Lol, thats why I figured I'd ask if it would be ok before I did it. The little guy just doesnt like being played around with :D.

Cheers for the help though guys, I appreciate it.
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Have you ever used Silvadene cream in his mouth? That can turn the teeth black. My cham had a brown spot on his mouth and the vet had me use the Silvadene and it turned his teeth black on the side we were using the cream and the vet said the Silvadene will do that.
I cant say I have to be honest. I've decided I'm going to try and nip to the reptile shop tommorow to see what they suggest. I'm guessing from things I've seen that it's more along the lines of marks on his teeth as opposed to an illness. I have to say I'm a pretty protective Cham owner.
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