Blood in her droppings.


Avid Member
Well my sick panther finally had a dropping when she wasn't in the shower. Now there's blood in her stool. Her stool seemed jelly like and then the orange came out last. It was probably there all the time I just couldn't get a good stool because of the shower. She's been on Baytril since Sat. Should the Baytril have been helping this problem or do I need Flagyl? She's getting .01 cc's per day of the Baytril. She weighs 30 grams.

This is frustrating not really knowing what is going on or if things are getting better or if I'm just wasting precious time treating improperly. :(

Thanks for any ideas,
Well my sick panther finally had a dropping when she wasn't in the shower. Now there's blood in her stool. Her stool seemed jelly like and then the orange came out last. It was probably there all the time I just couldn't get a good stool because of the shower. She's been on Baytril since Sat. Should the Baytril have been helping this problem or do I need Flagyl? She's getting .01 cc's per day of the Baytril. She weighs 30 grams.

This is frustrating not really knowing what is going on or if things are getting better or if I'm just wasting precious time treating improperly. :(

Thanks for any ideas,

That is so sad. I don't know why this would happen. :confused::confused::confused::(:(:(
do you mean the urate color is orange?
if it is, which i hope is not, that seems like a sign for severe dehydration that might relate to kidney failure soon.
dang! is there any exotic vet that you can go to?
If you live in orange county or LA county (SoCal) i highly suggest Dr Tom Greek.
Sounds very serious:(
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I guess that would be in the urate.??

The vet is who I got the Baytril from. She said the cham looked pretty good and prescribed the Baytril to combat a wide array of ????? Since she was sleeping so much.

What actions are normally taken for kidney problems?

I guess that would be in the urate.??

The vet is who I got the Baytril from. She said the cham looked pretty good and prescribed the Baytril to combat a wide array of ????? Since she was sleeping so much.

What actions are normally taken for kidney problems?


Wow, this sounds serious.
could the orange part is because the blood smears the urate?
or is it because of severe dehydration?
i'm not sure.
You know, while you schedule another vet visit, you can PM MWheelock to ask what to do in the meantime to help his condition..
I am showering her every day or two. She HATES it. She is still chasing crickets but her aims isn't good.

If she's dehydrated there is nothing more I can do. I mist her twice a day, shower her every day or two, have a drip running for 2 three hour periods a day, and when I give her the baytril I gently drip water into her mouth as she opens to swallow.

I hate bothering MWheelock. I feel like I'm intruding. Hopefully he'll see the thread and respond here.

I am showering her every day or two. She HATES it. She is still chasing crickets but her aims isn't good.

If she's dehydrated there is nothing more I can do. I mist her twice a day, shower her every day or two, have a drip running for 2 three hour periods a day, and when I give her the baytril I gently drip water into her mouth as she opens to swallow.

I hate bothering MWheelock. I feel like I'm intruding. Hopefully he'll see the thread and respond here.


It will be fine. He will know your situation. He will understand you asking a question.
the blood also worries me... it can be caused by coccidia.
In which leads to dehydration (perhaps that's why the urate is orange).

But, i think i better stop guessing and frustrates you in the end by adding worries :(.. I am not a vet and i am unable to advise on the specific of the Baytril.
I'm sure MWheelock will understand.

I hope your cham improves. Get the poor thing to your vet (if she is the only one available) ASAP.
keep us informed
Well we're up to Batril injections now. After reading for hours I mentioned Flagyl multiple times but she just didn't seem interestd in giving it to me.......or should I say selling it to me, it wasn't like I was asking for it for free.

The blood is in her urate :( But she's moving around and getting her tongue out farther than she was yesterday. She ate 4 crickets today that I washed down with dribbles of water as she chewed.

The stool was tested today with no parasites found.
So I guess it's gonna be treat her with this and either she makes it or not.
I don't know what else to do.

I'll keep everyone posted.

Thanks for the help,
Kevin, I sent Dr. Wheelock a PM and also an email for you. I understand your not wanting to intrude on his time but your little girl sounds very sick and it sounds like your vet doesn't know what's wrong. Has he given you a diagnosis or taken blood? Good luck and keep us posted. David
No diagnosis and she said she was too small to get blood. :confused:

I'm really not sure why she wasn't in favor of Flagyl? But I have no way to get it without the vet. I hope the Baytril will help.

Thanks for sending that to Dr Wheelock I hope he doesn't mind.

I hope not either and I did apologize for any intrusion. Can you go to another vet? I know it's a lot of money but it seems as though your vet doesn't know what's wrong and he's treating using the shotgun method. I'm in the same boat if my chams get sick, Only a very slightly qualified vet unless I want to drive 4 hours to Dallas. Good luck and please keep us posted.
If your research indicates flagyl or Wheelock suggests it, I may be able to get it from a country vet around here. He sells panacur and the like to me just for the asking. Let me know. I have no idea what flagyl is or what it's used for, I've never had a real serious issue with mine yet. David
Not to try to derail the true meaning of this thread (which is very sad to hear, hope your chameleon gets better soon!), its just I felt odd about making another one when my question is similar to this one.

What should healthy stool for a veiled look like?
Fairly solid brown coloration at the front end with the white urate following. My veiled has slight runny clear liquid that is more noticable when he's eating alot of veggies.
Hope that helps.

Fairly solid brown coloration at the front end with the white urate following. My veiled has slight runny clear liquid that is more noticable when he's eating alot of veggies.
Hope that helps.


Has his poop changed color?:confused::(
Hey y'all,

Sorry I'm late to the conversation. Y'all are always welcome to PM me. I don't always have time to scan forum stuff, especially since most of the time, most of you are able to give good advise on basic husbandry stuff. But if y'all have more specific issues you are always welcome to write or call.

Anyway, I missed some information. How old? What was the presenting complaint? Why Baytril? Did the vet do a fecal?

You might ask your vet if you might deworm with panacur (fenbendazole) just in case. Sometimes this settles the GI regardless of whether worms are present. Fenbendazole does get other protozoa too, so it's a nice shot gun. Metronidazole (flagyl) is also a good drug if needed. Even captive born chams sometimes get nematodes and coccidea. If the breeder had a mixed collection, the cham may have something else.

If your cham really doesn't like the misting/showers, I might suggest a warm water bath (water level half way up the body in a covered container) for 5-10 minutes.

If you're going to give baytril, talk with your vet also about giving baytril (injectable) orally instead of by injection. They don't have intermittent metabolisms of snakes, so giving orally maybe less stressful and just as effective. Ceftazimine (fortaz) has to be given injectibly, but not baytril.

As far as orange in his stool. This could be excessive supplement, blood from GI distress, or bilirubin. This also could be secondary to giving baytril(fluoroquinalone) which sometimes causes gastrointestinal upset. Did the diarrhea start after you gave the Baytril?

Just write or call and we'll try to help you at least develop a plan of attack.

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