Blue berries


New Member
What nutritional value/benefits can these have for chameleons. Every month I skewer about 3-4 blueberries on a stick and put them in my veilds cage and he loves them, even though he will hardly touch other fruits/greens. I know there OK to eat just curious what benefits they may provide.
Ahaha, I just posted a link to a nutritional value chart... if you check it out, I believe there is a fruit one too... How useful it'll be? I dont know... I'm still waiting on responses.
I was curious about that too. I feed them to my veileds too once in awhile. My male no longer eats plant matter willingly. So blueberries are a great food i can pop in his mouth when he hisses at me :)
Blueberries could have great nutritional values but there is nothing that says the chameleon have the means to make use of them.
Just because an animal loves to eat something does not make it good for them. You choose to ask what good may come out of feeding with these, but what about the question of what bad might come out of it?
I was curious about that too. I feed them to my veileds too once in awhile. My male no longer eats plant matter willingly. So blueberries are a great food i can pop in his mouth when he hisses at me :)

yeah I used to do that but I decided to make him a "kabob" the other day and he ate them all by himself (with me not looking ofcourse;))
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