Blue Veiled at Chicago Reptile Show


New Member
I never seen or heard of this before so wanted to show you guys. Photo was taken with camera on my iphone, so not that great of a PIC. $2000 for a pair. A little out of my price range!

I cannot say that I have ever seen a veiled that is that dark a blue. Mostly just turquoise.
You think they used food coloring or something? They were $2000. I should have had my real camera with me.
Food coloring would be terrible, but would it work that way? I know that they used to inject food coloring into chicken eggs and the babies would be rainbow colored, but it's considered inhumane.
Hey jadeaudio thank you for getting my all hot and bothered then providing the worst picture ever taken i salute you!!!!! Just joking but i really would like to see better pics.
Well, I just found out that the photo posted here is just a photo of a pic next to the cage. The animals at the show look normal (hets maybe?). I understand it is the same line I had been told about though. It'll be interesting to see how this morph develops.

My buddy who is there talked to the dealer and said he has shipped the blue babies to Germany. The pair that sold for $2000 produced 65% blue babies. My friend is not a cham guy so details are coming to me by text message. I guess the dealer is selling the breeding pair because he wants out of the business.
Man thats awesome. I'm sure it's a trait similar to the melanistic(I'm assuming thats what the black veileds were that were posted a while back) and translucent
Well, I just found out that the photo posted here is just a photo of a pic next to the cage. The animals at the show look normal (hets maybe?). I understand it is the same line I had been told about though. It'll be interesting to see how this morph develops.


I was there today and this is just a picture of a picture. The onles that he had in the cage were just normal Veileds for $2000. I was going to ask him about it but the pics are that dark and crappy so its not the iphones fault. I think it could be just a green one under certain lights to make it look blue. My Veiled was sitting some way under his lights once and he looked totally different in colors and when he moved into a different lighting scheme it changed back. Also i think that could of been a legit pic of a blue Veiled but I really dont think that the ones in the cage were related to that one.

But then i can be wrong and they could be but this was just my thoughts.
Man, if that's actually legit, that'd be pretty cool. Blue veileds. I've seen translucent ones, but that's pretty wild.
FYI - I will be taking some pics of the pair today and post them when I get home. That's what I heard, too, although didn't get to see them yet. I just don't think I would be willing to pay $2 grand to find out what the babies look like. :rolleyes: If I'm dropping that kind of money, I'd be moving somewhere warm and buying a parsonii. :D

Stay of the pair to follow.
Btw i have some female veilds that actually produced invisible eggs and when they hatched they were invisible too ! It's amazing but i gotta get out of this hobby so i'm gonna let the sire and dam of the invisible veilds go for 1900$ don't be the last one to get this new invisible morph!!!!!!!!!!!!
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