Bob ate Cucumber for the 1st time!!!

i never new they did eat cucumber can they i suppose it would be good for water i will have to try mine with some

also why are you proud was it not eating or sumin or was it just cute : )
he is still very young so he never tried it before..and yes they do eat certain veggies and fruit, zucchini, cucumber, sqash is good for them on occassion.
I have a little baby that I'd like to train up right to include some veggies. How did you get him started? What age? What Veggies first? How did you prep them and how did you present them?
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Hopefully it was peeled? I'm sure there was a reason they listed it as peeled.
Thanks for the info Syn...Doc, he is a 4 months old veiled and today was the first time we tried veggies on him. We cut the cucumber in super thin slices and held it right in front of his mouth. He just took bites out of it after looking at it for a while and seemed to like it.
Wow, okay, so success first time out, that's a great track record. I'm guessing, btw that the "peeled" is primarily because of all the heavy waxes that stores put on cukes.
Thanks for the info Syn...Doc, he is a 4 months old veiled and today was the first time we tried veggies on him. We cut the cucumber in super thin slices and held it right in front of his mouth. He just took bites out of it after looking at it for a while and seemed to like it.
So why not try healthier foods? As was stated it is very poor nutritional value.
cucumber is all i had at the moment, and i wanted to feed it to him more for the water content and to try it out if he would even eat anything but crickets and worms :p
cucumber is all i had at the moment, and i wanted to feed it to him more for the water content and to try it out if he would even eat anything but crickets and worms :p
Okay, just be sure to check the nutritional value on all foods before feeding.
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