Bongo’s Journey

Hi, we have now had Bongo for 1 week and 4 days and he seems very happy, eating well and drinking in front of me. I am trying to gain his trust but I know I have to go at his pace. Today, I slowly put my arm in his enclosure and put my hand near one of his sticks, he slowly walked to me and investigated my hand by looking and checking it out, then he walked across it! Putting all of his feet on my hand then going onto another stick, once he had done that I watched him and he stayed exploring and he was a great colour. If there is anything to do to better gain his trust let me know because I am so far going to slowly take baby steps. Any advice is appreciated and here’s some pictures from the last couple of days!


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Have you read Beman’s blog on building trust yet? I have no idea how, but I’ve won the lottery with my panther chams…one comes running to walk my arm (he wants and tries to eat my eyeballs), another hesitates a minute before moving onto my hand and my third sometimes walks onto my hand and other times doesn’t, but is calm and allows me to pick her up (usually to give her a ride to the other side of her enclosure where I just put her food). Maybe my unfriendly veileds have given me a more relaxed and self confident energy - not afraid of getting lunged at or bit and if I can handle them, I can handle any cham. lol 😂
Hi, we have now had Bongo for 1 week and 4 days and he seems very happy, eating well and drinking in front of me. I am trying to gain his trust but I know I have to go at his pace. Today, I slowly put my arm in his enclosure and put my hand near one of his sticks, he slowly walked to me and investigated my hand by looking and checking it out, then he walked across it! Putting all of his feet on my hand then going onto another stick, once he had done that I watched him and he stayed exploring and he was a great colour. If there is anything to do to better gain his trust let me know because I am so far going to slowly take baby steps. Any advice is appreciated and here’s some pictures from the last couple of days!
That third pic of him is too precious :love:
today we have had Bongo for 3 weeks and her seems like he’s doing well, he’s about 6 1/2 weeks old and he’s eating and drinking well, any advice is welcomed as I’m a first time Cham owner!! Here’s some pics!


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