Bonnie - Verru Female


New Member
Furcifer Verrucosus - Giant Spiny
Age Unknown
Approx 61 grams


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Are her eyes sunken all the time (Kinyonga, 2010; 2011)?

She definately look a bit big. I am waiting for more pictures when your brother will come at your house!

Also, try to give her as much privacy as possible (ie plants). She needs to be as less stressed as possible! :)
Are her eyes sunken all the time (Kinyonga, 2010; 2011)?

She definately look a bit big. I am waiting for more pictures when your brother will come at your house!

Also, try to give her as much privacy as possible (ie plants). She needs to be as less stressed as possible! :)

I would follow what Morpheon is telling you. He will be an excellent resouree as he knows his verru really well.
We are adding several live plants to the enclosure today, and I have covered her enclosure on one side so she cannot see the male or his encl.

For the past few days she hasn't been eating AS much, but I haven't noticed her eyes sunken before. They do look that way in the original pics now that you mention it.. She's been eating great though. I think I should get her to a vet asap anyway, if just for a fecal.

Kinyonga, 2010;2011? I'm not quite sure what you mean, ha (I know, newb!)

This is a better picture with my wife's phone, obviously she's not too happy with me there. She was just outside for a bit of sun. heading to home depot after work with safe species list in hand

Thanks Morph and Laurie!


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I was quoting Kinyonga because she asked me about a dozen times if Tim, my male verrucosus, always has his eyes sunken! ;) And she did it during the years 2010 and 2011! ;)

A visit to the vets is definately a good idea! With some fresh fecals by the way!! Nothing old and dry! I'd also ask the vet to check for eggs too, just in case! Has she started eating more now? What does she eat on a daily basis?
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