Bonsai project


Chameleon Enthusiast
So I started a braid on a small umbrella plant and picked up 2 small Japanese maple trees to grow for the Thomas. Anyone doing bonsai in their enclosure or outdoor areas? Post your pics and share!


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Nice! I'm planning on a bonsai project for Lily with either a golden lime (calamondin) or coffee plant in her bio build. I really cant decide between the two... I'll probably get a calamondin and decide which one I actually want to incorporate later. I'll just grow our the other plant to use as part of a free range, haha! Im currently leaning toward using the calamondin in the enclosure, since it smells so lovely and has gorgeous blooms and fruit (and requires higher light).

I'm Interested in seeing how your maples turn out - I saw a gorgeous Japanese maple bonsai the other day, and I was sorely tempted to bring it home!

I almost spent $150 on a really nice one but thought the long project would be better. Custom tree for the enclosure sounds cool too. I had never heard of the golden lime until now. I may get one just to have. The boys will eat the fruit.
I'm excited for the long project with my coffee seedlings! I have 3, and the tallest isn't much more than 6 inches. I believe they're about 4 months old... I wonder if braiding would look good on them? :unsure:

I really like the golden lime! The plant itself is good and sturdy, and pretty slow growing. The flowers are fragrant and sort of jasmine-esque, and the fruit tastes somewhere between an orange and a lime. Very tasty! I'll be saving those for myself... and I guess the feeders can have some to haha! I saw a perfect one the other week, and on still kicking myself for not buying it... it would have barely needed any alterations or grow in to be the perfect size and shape for my vision! Oh well. :confused:
Cant say ive seen a braided coffee tree. Might be fun to do. Plus a cham crawling up it would be even better! From seed you say! Its so satisfying to watch time and effort pay off. This was all spurred on because one of my umbrella plants wasnt doing well. Had to take it out and well..... thing led to another? :p

I'm accumulating plants at a slightly alarming rate, myself. This hobby is hazardous to my wallet! :ROFLMAO: the next thing i need to find a source for are carnivorous plants. I'd love a nepenthes (pitcher) or two!
I may start giving up some other hobbies. Im new to keeping chams but i know when ill stick with something. Same bug for birds too. Currently breeding for a reduced red homer pigeon and then want to put black bars on them. May give up archery for a bit. Got baby boys and solo bear hunting just drives the wife nuts. Its not that I prefer solo but my buddies wont hunt bears with sharp sticks. Bow set up= Nosy Faly if my math is correct!
Haha! I feel you. I'm completely obsessed at this point, and the whole bioactive route has me hooked! I spend an almost unhealthy amount of time planning and researching... but I love every second of it!

A little off topic, but I'm always excited to meet more bird people! I keep an eleonora cockatoo, a cinnamon pied cockatiel, and a European starling at current, and bred lovebirds for a few years. I adore pigeons, and would love to keep them some day! I've had the pleasure of raising a few young chicks for a friend, and they're such lovely, gentle birds. So many varieties, too!

If I could fill my house with birds and reptiles, I'd be a happy camper. Alas, my wallet can only withstand so much abuse. I totally get the whole needing to cut down on hobbies deal... if I sold some of my accumulated art supplies, I'd probably be able to finish building my enclosure AND possibly my free range! Maybe more. But I know I'd be kicking myself when inspiration next strikes and I dont have the gear to do what I envisioned. I suppose I could sell my mid range gaming rig... not much time (or the inclination, really) for that anymore.

Also, mmmm... bear sausage! My stepdad's an avid hunter and fisher, and mixes up a mean bear sausage. I think he makes it with venison and added fat? I honestly cant recall... but it's delicious!
Trenton racing homers. They are quite fun.
Pigeons are an unfortunate side effect of falconry. It starts as a feeder project and then you say " I like that color." I keep them under 20 or so and get some unrelated blood every season.
Pigeons are an unfortunate side effect of falconry. It starts as a feeder project and then you say " I like that color." I keep them under 20 or so and get some unrelated blood every season.

I have a couple family members that do the racing pigeons over in cali. I've never done it, but i know they're all into it
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