Branch Climbing size ?


Established Member
What size branch should you use as your chameleon gets older? do you want all kinds of sizes, to keep their lil mittens stong or what? Thanks for the input
Yup all sizes, not to keep the feet strong, but to keep them from getting "bird foot". Look up what happens to the poor feathered friends that have a cage full of nothing but the same diameter dowel rods, it isnt pretty.
I like the Fluker's "Bend a Branch" type. 6 ft long and come in 3/8" and 5/8"

Exo-Terra makes some of the bendy vines as well.
Yeah id go for all sizes a.d get him working his'd save you changing things around as the feet grow too.and keep his grip imagine a few big ones would keep the nails in good order too
Thanks everyone yea i have a variety i guess i just need a few bigger ones. Thank you again
Yep like the other guys said different sizes throughout his life u want all different sizes so his grip gets strong .he gets a workout .
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