Breeding crickets!


New Member
Wish me luck! I'm going to breed crickets!

They're not necessarily the cheapest thing when you're going through so many. The minimum most online places sells is 500 and by the time I get half way through them, they are almost too big. Then there's the tough Minnesota winters! I don't want to have to drive 1-hour each way to guarantee live crickets and I don't think anyone guarantees live arrival below 40f...good luck getting above that for 5 months out of the year.

So, I threw some of the bigger ones, both male and female into a small heated tote (cut out the top an added screen) with some good food, organic dirt (in a dish that takes up just less than half the tote), and a few toilet paper rolls. I gave them the same stuff I gut load with (Bug Burger with pureed fruits and greens).

It's worth a shot right? :D
Sounds like a good idea. I couldn't handle the smell so I breed dubias, but they are not as small as pinheads.
Sounds like a good idea. I couldn't handle the smell so I breed dubias, but they are not as small as pinheads.

I think I will eventually switch to dubias as well. I bought 25 of them just to try and my little guy (2-3 months old) doesn't seem to interested at the moment. I would love it if he loved them though!

I wonder if what you feed crickets somehow dictates how they smell. When I first got crickets they had an indescribable smell, it was bad. But I've been feeding them Bug Burger mixed with pureed greens, orange, & raspberries and the tote seems to have a much sweeter smell. I still would't bottle it and call it perfume but it is much more tolerable! :D
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