Breeding dubias?


New Member
I have a dubia colony and I have alot of adults. For anyone that breeds dubias do you limit the ammount of adults per bin? I am aware of the guideline of about 3 females to 1 male. Right now I would have to guess that I have 1/2 males, 1/2 females an addition to tons of babies. Does to many males cause stress for the colony? I need to find something to feed the extra adult males to,lol.

Thanks for the info.
I have a dubia colony and I have alot of adults. For anyone that breeds dubias do you limit the ammount of adults per bin? I am aware of the guideline of about 3 females to 1 male. Right now I would have to guess that I have 1/2 males, 1/2 females an addition to tons of babies. Does to many males cause stress for the colony? I need to find something to feed the extra adult males to,lol.

Thanks for the info.

I would feed some of the males off and have a 1/4 ratio male/female. If you go to the raoch ranch and watch the video to remove the nymphs. Actually the roach ranch has a bunch of helpful videos on the site. I suggest watch them =]
I sort of limit the number of adults in my bins.

As I feed out of the bin over a few weeks time, I feed off the nymphs and surplus males, and transfer the adult females I have sorted out of the nymphs I am feeding that day and enough adult males into a new bin. Every time I drop around 4 adults into the bin, I add a cardboard toiletpaper tube. I keep doing this until my new bin is full of tubes and that determines how many roaches are in there. (Probabably around 1000 adults in a 50 gallon storage container). Of course, by the time I rotate around to the new bin to use for feeding, there are many more adults that have grown from babies in the bin. Which is how I am able to keep expanding the number of feeders I have available when I want...
Thank you. I will check out that site. Looks like I will be picking out the adults tomorrow for a new bin. Sounds like fun,lol.
I've never given it any consideration if I'm honest! I ordered 10 adults (5 of each) months back now and its just worked itself out to the right ratio of males to females without me feeding many off. Got shed loads of nympths to the point where I'm having to get a new cham to eat them (any excuse! :D)
What do you feed off the adult males to? Mine are huge hah! Waiting for my buddy's bearded dragon to get bigger so I can feed 'em off!
What do you feed off the adult males to? Mine are huge hah! Waiting for my buddy's bearded dragon to get bigger so I can feed 'em off!

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