breeding jacksons


I have a few questions about breeding Jacksons chameleon. We have a male and female and they are both full sized. What age is best to start breeding? The male is full sized, but the female is slightly smaller than the male. once we start breeding them, do you sperate them once their done or leave them together longer? And do you introduce the female again the next day? Any info is helpful. Thanks!
I have a few questions about breeding Jacksons chameleon. We have a male and female and they are both full sized. What age is best to start breeding? The male is full sized, but the female is slightly smaller than the male. once we start breeding them, do you sperate them once their done or leave them together longer? And do you introduce the female again the next day? Any info is helpful. Thanks!

I would say 1 year old would be the age to start thing of breeding them. Of course that assumes that they have been well taken care of and are of good size.

I would introduce the male to the females cage a watch them. If the female remains passive as the male approaches you're good to go. If the female turns black and rocks back and forth gaping, then remove her and try again another day. You can reintroduce the female the next day but she may not be receptive anymore.

Just watch them, they'll tell you what's up.

Good luck.
Well I tried it... she was NOT happy about it either. He was almost impossible to get out of the cage though :p
I am no pro- lol but I just had babies a week ago, but I did not plan to breed my Jackson until late fall- reason is.... the time they are gravid, and the birthing date- I want her to have her babies in spring or summer so they can get the real sun - maybe just something to think about ( but I am in Ohio :mad: , maye you have sun all yr :) )
I am no pro- lol but I just had babies a week ago, but I did not plan to breed my Jackson until late fall- reason is.... the time they are gravid, and the birthing date- I want her to have her babies in spring or summer so they can get the real sun - maybe just something to think about ( but I am in Ohio :mad: , maye you have sun all yr :) )

I agree. Spring is a great time for baby Jackson's if you can get the outside. They do so well with natural sunlight.
Thanks for the info! Another question though, if she is unresponsive, how long should you wait to put them together again? A couple days to a week?
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