Is there any breeding projects to keep the numbers up of all the WC chams we keep getting? I've been thinking about that alot lately we could be doing alot of damage.
It's a good question, but unfortunetly I don't have an answer to it. There are farms overseas that CB chams, as well as strict regulations for capture and exportation (but we all know how well that works out). To be honest I think I'm more concerned with habitat loss/destruction than over collection.
I seriously doubt it
it's much easier and cheaper to send a group of poor into the hills to see what they can find.
than to bother breeding insect gulping reptiles that take a year to hatch.
The modern problem is clear cutting and habitat destruction in the 3rd world.
Island economies are open for complete easter island type of ecosystem crashes.
if it's allowed to happen by the local population and corrupt governments.
That seems to be the greater danger right now in the preservation of habitat.
unlike parts of the amazon, ecotourism isn't likely to take hold in any serious way
based upon it's distance and approximate distance from africa.
If the animals are being harvested from the wild
then preservation of the forests becomes an issue.
just as long as the local population sees managed wildlife harvesting
as a viable way to earn a living... it'll work.
The greatest danger is wildlife brokers buying animals for "nothing" from kids
and the cultural perspective that slash and burn farming / charcoal production
are the only uses for the forested land.
change those things and the situation will improve... and the wild populations will be preserved.