Breeding R. Brevicaudatus


New Member
I have one female and one male brev, but the Sita (f) seems very uninterested; every time I place Kali Ma (m) next to her, she leans away from him and looks angry. Sita's small, so is it possible she's just young? Or is there a way I can make her receptive?
I'm going to have two new females on wednesday, but I've been told they're too young to mate. Can I keep them all in the same enclosure? Sita, Kali Ma, and Vishnu (male R. Temporalis) are very happy together in their 20 gal.
Basically breeding Brevs involves putting a male in an enclosure with several females than waiting until the female looks big and roung, digging up the eggs, and incubating. Setting one next to the other will certainly stress them out and won't help things along.
I agree with Julirs. These little guys just breed when they feel like it. Also there not the kind of chameleon that likes to be touched, just leave them be and they will figure it out. If you are getting newbes, dont just put them in the cage with the others, let them acclumate first to make sure there not sick or carrying anything, then in time when your sure its safe, drop them in.
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