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Ok someone please help. I have been trying to breed crickets without success. I have some 3/4 inch crix i put a small tupperware container in there cage with terrarium moss i bought at petco which i mist, but I have not seen any eggs. What am i doing wrong. Please tell me how to breed crickets? Has anyone had success?
I notice that link mentions using bark. We once had spontaneous, unplanned cricket breeding happen in the frog's terrarium. The substrate was a mix of bark and moss.
are there anymore links like that one for breeding dubia, supers, silks, etc?

Dubias are the easiest to breed. You just need a 1 male to 4 females ratio and I would start with about 100 total. Than you just keep them in a plastic tub with egg cartons and a heat pad under it (i am not sure the exact temp) and keep the humidity up inside and bam they breed like crazy...
Dubia are easy, and to most peoples surprise silkworms are pretty easy as well you just need alot of food. For the crickets I would say soil works the best. Keep a tray about an inch deep with soil that is covered with screen in the bottom and keep it moist as well. Then after say 4 days switch the tray out with a new tray and put the other tray in a dark warm moist area and youll have baby crickets before you know it. Just feed them table scraps if you want i just use fruits and veggies and I heat them with a lamp but it is on the out side of the bin they are in
I have had the adult female crickets lay the eggs in plain moist soil. The eggs are hard to see if you don't know what you are looking for. They look like a tiny grain of rice that moves!
Unfortunately after this step I have always FAILED with them, maybe because the eggs were not warm enough.
If you can handle them roaches are the most easily bread feeder, as already mentioned. Good luck!
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