brev eye problem


New Member
one of my male bearded pygmys keeps getting debris in this one eye and it causing the eye to always be almost shut and would it fix the problem if i put small pebbles around the area where he digs, and im sure its a male because its been digging ever since i got it 3 months ago
It might fix the problem, but he might find another place to dig. Try misting him, it might get some of the stuff out of his eyes.
He might have a bigger piece stuck in there. I would say give him a shower but I dont know how one would go about giving such a tiny guy a shower :|
Hey ... I just got a couple Brevs and one of mine is having the same problem with one eye. I think it's a female but I'm not sure. The one eye seems to open occasionally but doesn't stay open for long. I've been trying light mistings while holding her in my hand.

How did yours make out? Did you ever find what was causing it or a solution?

Thanks ... Dyesub Dave. :D
Thanks. I did a search on the net and found a few suggestions but not much. Several people say to use Baytril (sp?) and a trip to the vet may be in order.

I've been misting this little one on my hand for the last couple of days. I also put a tiny bit of aquarium salt in the spray bottle as I use regular salt for eye & throat infections myself. I wasn't sure if the iodized salt would create problems which is why I went with aquarium salt and I only used a very small amount. I've noticed that the eye has been open a little more but is still sometimes only half open or closed.

I would really like to see this one eat. Unfortunately I can't stay home all day and watch to make sure of that. There is plenty of time to eat some small crix in the cage when I'm not there so it's hard to know for sure. :confused:

Dyesub Dave. :D
Post a picture, umm, it depends on what exactly is happening, when its open see if there is anything in it, spray water on your finger and put the droplets on the side outside of the opening in the eye, let it get in there to wash it out, keep doing that if something is in it, If nothing is in it what exactly is happening?
Did you try Terramycin ointment-that stuff really works wonders!

I don't think the salt thing is a good idea at all for eyes...
Ya, the salt probably hurts and salt could stay in the eyes, its like opening your eyes under water while like in saltwater. I would stop doing that.
OK ... but there was only a pinch of salt that's very diluted in an entire spray bottle of water. I use warm salt water in my eyes and throat when I have an infection so I thought that it would work the same way but in a much smaller dosage. Salt generally only causes pain if it's an open wound or something. However I am not a cham so maybe it's different.

I do have some kids polysporin which I have used for skin abrasions on a veiled cham before and it worked well. I just thought that a goopy ointment in the eye may not be a good thing. Is Terramycin similar or something totally different?

I'll check the little gaffer out tonight and see how the eye is looking. I'll try to get some pics up as well.

Thanks for the advice!!

Dyesub Dave. :D
Thanks Julie. Is that something I can get over the counter at a local drug store or do I need to get it from a vet??

Dyesub Dave. :D
Would that work on any type of Chameleons? Could it be that there is somehting in the eyes?
After searching on the net I'm guessing that Terramycin something that I could pick up at the LPS ?

I also found this stuff for clearing out eyes.

It's for dogs/cats but I'm sure it would work the same. This stuff even says it has a concentrated salt solution. Something like this may come in handy for many of my pets. Has anybody ever tried this stuff on chams before??

Thanks ... Dyesub Dave. :D
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