Brev playing dead


New Member
A couple of nights ago I was tucking my son into bed, and checking on his brevs at the same time. One of them looked a little unusual...pale, with some dark striping around his eyes (not his normal coloring). I gently tapped on the glass, with no response. Usually Dot will wake up a little and squint at me when I tuck Drew in, but not this night. I reached in and rustled the plant he was "sleeping" in; still no response. I actually touched the guy's back, and he didn't move! Drew was getting upset with me by this point, for disturbing Dot's sleep. I actually gently lifted Dot by his back, and he was amazingly stiff and unresponsive. I told Drew I was afraid he had died.

Drew cried a little; we talked about Dot being 3 years old now, fairly old for a brev. Drew decided to leave him in his tank until the next morning. Of course, the next morning Dot looked fine! Beautifully chevroned stripes, etc.

I remember Heika posting some pics of her brevs playing possum after they fell....but I can't figure why the guy did this! He couldn't have been THAT asleep, could he?:confused:
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