New Member
HELP! I think my baby veiled chameleon might have broken ribs! He has 3 small bumps up on his side and from what Ive read it sounds like a Calcium deficiency and I need help! He is roughly 3-5 months old and I got him at petco a few weeks ago. He has a dripper that I turn on periodically, a humidifier (70-80% all times), gutloaded crickets, millworms, branches, Geranium, vines, a large cage that is very airy, UV light (7 p.m.- 6 a.m.), heat lamp( only reaches about 75-80 on all the time), heat vines(he uses when hes cold), and a very concerned mama I havn't givin him and Calcium stuff because I didn't realize that he needed it, he is my first Cham and I am very concerned! Should I take him to the vet? I cant post picks but they are just three small bumps on the higher part of his side, probably broken ribs from Calcium deficiency, please help I feel like a bad Cham owner.