BSFL (Black Soldier Fly Larva) help?

I would like to start getting BSFL for my little buddy just had questions before going on with them. What should I use to feed them?? Are they okay to feed to your cam all the time or just as treats? Dusting the BSFL with calcium or vitamins I’ve read that they are high in calcium so it’s not good to put anything on them is this true? If they should be dusted with what? Also what container to keep them in? I did buy some coconut fiber before they come in so I’m ready to go just need a container. I have ones like this would this work? The lid has holes with mesh over it for air to get in. Sorry for all the questions


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I would like to start getting BSFL for my little buddy just had questions before going on with them. What should I use to feed them?? Are they okay to feed to your cam all the time or just as treats? Dusting the BSFL with calcium or vitamins I’ve read that they are high in calcium so it’s not good to put anything on them is this true? If they should be dusted with what? Also what container to keep them in? I did buy some coconut fiber before they come in so I’m ready to go just need a container. I have ones like this would this work? The lid has holes with mesh over it for air to get in. Sorry for all the questions
I remove maybe 20 or so at a time from the pack and gutload with my frozen wet mix gutload for 24-48 hrs. (Plenty of recipes out there)

I then move them to a clean container to help clean off residual dirt before finally dusting and feeding.

Quite a bit of work involved.

I always use them along with cricket, locust, dubia and supers to vary what I'm feeding.

Keep them cool to slow them down or allow some to pupate and then feed the flies as well.
They will eat anything that's soft enough for them to burrow through. I've even seen them eat live hornworms :eek:. I use frozen gutload blends I make myself, thaw of course, and toss handfuls in. They finish it off in a night. They are composters and will turn everything into mush.

Feed all the time how? Chams should have variety of some form, but if you mean as a staple alongside crickets/roaches, then yes they can be fed more often than other worms. My picky chams gladly accept them as well.

No need to dust with calcium, though you could still dust them with your vit A or d3 1x a week according to your supplement schedule. I also dust with different gutload powders sometimes, bee pollen, and random other stuff that I'd feed to my bugs. I don't know if chams can digest these things without being broken down in the gut of an insect first first, but I prefer the shotgun approach and figure it doesn't hurt in small amounts.

That container is fine, you don't need coconut fiber either. Just keep them in whatever they come in. The coco fiber will just add to the mess they make.

They're very easy and will live a long time kept at ~50degrees. When warm theyll pupate into flies which look like wasps, but are harmless. Chams love these as well.
There are good lists for gutload on here. I get a bunch of organic stuff at the grocery store, blend it, and freeze it.
I guess now all I’m having. Hard time with is gutloading. I use kale and carrots for everything I gutload. What else to use?
Is the wet mix good for gutloading all bugs? I have a dubia roach colony and crickets. Cause if I put wet food all over the container I breed my dubia roache colony in it will get pretty messy pretty fast. Also silkworms but silk worms eat something entirely different.
these are good gutloads make sure you're buying organic, puree it and that's what I would gutload with you can use these for all types of bugs
these are good gutloads make sure you're buying organic, puree it and that's what I would gutload with you can use these for all types of bugs
You make it into mush? If so how do you keep all your bug containers clean. For my roaches I have egg cartons in there for them to run around on I have quite a bit but that would get smelly and moldy fast if I purée it.
you don't have to puree it, I just think its easier for the bugs to get more nutrients by eating mush like they'll get veggies in one or two bites
...and then I realize that we're talking about BSFL. Saw a comment on roaches/crickets, and I don't think I'm completely awake!

I've just been adding small amounts of gutload to my bsfl container here and there, I end up cleaning it about once a week or so. If you overdo it, it can mold pretty quickly. I keep mine in a coco fiber mix (Exo Terra Plantation Soil), and use the waste bedding as an additive to my houseplants.
I have a friend that keeps a colony of BSFL. He just feeds table scraps. All his left over veg, meat, even egg shells. He said they eat everything. I have to say, his larvae are gigantic, and turn in to absolute monster flys. My chameleon absolutely loves them.
They will eat anything that's soft enough for them to burrow through. I've even seen them eat live hornworms :eek:. I use frozen gutload blends I make myself, thaw of course, and toss handfuls in. They finish it off in a night. They are composters and will turn everything into mush.

Feed all the time how? Chams should have variety of some form, but if you mean as a staple alongside crickets/roaches, then yes they can be fed more often than other worms. My picky chams gladly accept them as well.

No need to dust with calcium, though you could still dust them with your vit A or d3 1x a week according to your supplement schedule. I also dust with different gutload powders sometimes, bee pollen, and random other stuff that I'd feed to my bugs. I don't know if chams can digest these things without being broken down in the gut of an insect first first, but I prefer the shotgun approach and figure it doesn't hurt in small amounts.

That container is fine, you don't need coconut fiber either. Just keep them in whatever they come in. The coco fiber will just add to the mess they make.

They're very easy and will live a long time kept at ~50degrees. When warm theyll pupate into flies which look like wasps, but are harmless. Chams love these as well.
Can you put them in the fridge to keep them cool?
the containers for the gutload I’m using upside down lids from cheep rubber made containers so it’s low enough for the baby roaches to get at. That was a great idea for the dish. Thank you everyone. You all have been termendious help with this topic. And I know I’m kind of asking all around in bugs I just want the best for my Delic. Im starting to breed silk worms, I had ordered some BSFL, I breed dubia roaches, I have crickets, and super worms all on hand so he doesn’t get board with anything. And now the guyload is right on track and I know what to use. I just minced up parsley, acorn squash, carrots, dandelion, mango, and sweet potato. I put some in a ziplock bag thaw so I can use on hang and I froze the rest. If anyone else has any more suggestions I’ll gladly take them. Thank you all so much☺️
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