Bug juice


New Member
I'm struggling to search on this site. Could seine point me in the right direction for what to put in to make bug juice just so I'm prepared for when I get him back from the vets please

Water (a tiny amount)

Put the bugs in the blender.. blend well.

Strain out the chunks of stuff, add in your supplement and a tiny bit of water, till it looks like a slightly watery paste.
Thanks! Roughly how many bugs you think? Can you freeze some? Is it a mix or worms and crickets? How much calcium
It's pretty much what you'd feed him that day but you have to puree it for him. So if you plan on doing it once or twice a day divide accordingly. Plus his water of course.
However many bugs you need.

mix of worms and other bugs is fine.

yes you can freeze it.

As for how much supplement, just use what you normally use to lightly dust your bugs.
I found worms and crickets helpful...and while my Cham was first starting I would use horn worms and waxworms to beef up the juice!
I just smash gutloaded bugs in a bowl with a little water and supplement as/if needed. Pick out some of the larger bits that wont crush small enough to fit through a syringe. That way you create daily what you need, rather than having to blender and store extra. Also, you know how many bugs and exactly what bugs you are smashing per meal, so that you know how many calories you are providing.
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