Bugs in Canada


New Member
Does anyone know if i can order from like.. mulberry farms for feeders, even though im in canada? i looked at the sponsors but couldnt see anything that informational. Hmm.. or is there a feeder breeder in Canada that anyone knows of? Thanks.

P.s im looking for any type of worms that a gecko could have as a treat, and some Crickets.
Crested geckos can have small superworms, butterworms, the occasional phoenix worm (poke a hole in them), but make sure they are gutloaded properly and ALWAYS dusted.
(just to name a few, but sorry, I don't know who can ship to Canada).
It depends wear your are.

I order from bug order ( bugorder.com ). They carry quite a lot of different feeders. But, there really are quite a few places.


EDIT: Just realized your in Victoira! Lol. Ever tried Creatures great and small pet store. They sell crickets pretty cheap (for Canada) $25 per 1000. They also carry waxworms, mealworms, superworms, and fruit flies just to name a few.
Crested geckos can have small superworms, butterworms, the occasional phoenix worm (poke a hole in them), but make sure they are gutloaded properly and ALWAYS dusted.
(just to name a few, but sorry, I don't know who can ship to Canada).

thanks, i was wondering about what other worms :)

I shalld get superworms and butterworms :p why do you have to poke a hole in the phoenix worms?
Well I've just heard a lot of stories of them coming out wriggling the other end, but poking their shell helps with the digestion.

It's like digesting a rock, with delicious food on the inside..
It depends wear your are.

I order from bug order ( bugorder.com ). They carry quite a lot of different feeders. But, there really are quite a few places.


EDIT: Just realized your in Victoira! Lol. Ever tried Creatures great and small pet store. They sell crickets pretty cheap (for Canada) $25 per 1000. They also carry waxworms, mealworms, superworms, and fruit flies just to name a few.

Actually in nanaimo, but thanks alot! ive been reccomended that place quite a few times! ill have to make a trip up there! :)

Creatures in Victoria also sells butterworms, sometimes stick insects.

on-line you can get feeders in Canada from several places, such as

roaches and crickets and supers etc also from individuals and businesses on usedvictoria.com
this seller is in Lantzville, north of Duncan (so fairly close to you) http://www.usedvictoria.com/classified-ad/9637577
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