Building a misting system.


New Member
Hello all, i have been working a lot lately so i am now building a automatic misting system for my veiled cham :)

What i have now is a garden timer, some 1/4 poly tubing black. lots of fittings and some misting nozzles.

Anyways here is my question, i am running this system off my water line, Should i use the Hot water line or the cold water line, I have 3 different spots to run it off of, my sink in the other room about 20 feet away from the water heater, or i can do it off the water heater or i can do it off the cold water line.

the problem i see it that my hot water is really hot, if i go in the other room its a little cooler for awhile because of the distance and the water cooling in the lines.

I was also thinking if the water is going to be too hot i can a filter or 2 in the line so the water can cool in those. Also my line from my sink to my cham room is about 20 feet. I can leave the 100ft of poly tubing so it can cool off in the line. My water line is going to be ran from my sink down in the basement "cool" up into my room. What do you guys think would be the best place. i will go do a temp of the water right now.
Well after testing both water lines off the water heater and hot sink i get this

Water heater: 123f
Sink hot water line fist 4 cups of water: 115f
now my cold water is 55f

What i think is best is hot water from the sink though a filter that holds about 1/2 gallon of water into my room and in the cage with 2 nozzles

tell me what you think and if you have any questions ask me :p
In my experience hot, even scalding, water cools down a lot when its put into a mist through the air. I think the air would cool down the water a lot, so that it would be just warm. But you would have to test it, and then see what you think.
thanks for the quick reply :p
I forgot to say that its a battery power timer. its a good one that also tells you when the battery is low etc i plan on about 3x day 1 min or 2 min each time misting That is true that the air would cool the mist a lot plus there is lots of water line to go though and plus the filter cooling it
water system

Just today I put the hottest water in my spray bottle, and sprayed it on my arm. It was just like warm!:D
Running off the house water can be an issue if for some reason it is left on....

I would set yourself up with a good drainage system just in case you have a mishap.

You should also mist a bit longer than 1-2 minutes at a time. Some people have two long mistings a day some have three some have four.

I do four 10 min mistings for my veileds and panther. My melleri and jackson get four 15 minute mistings and then a 2 minute session on each hour. This all happens starting from 8:30am till 5pm.
well i dont have a good drainage system :( yet but i will try to come up with one.

I encourage you to buy my DIY mister ;)

Or make one. If you only have one or two chams it should work great. And if it doesn't shut off you only have to worry about 2 gallons of water;)
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