Buildup in eye

Hello, I'm making a thread because I've noticed my panther chameleon has some buildup within the eye and I've become worried. I take him out a lot now since it is getting warm out, and he frequently reaches out for branches even though there are none. Also he seems uninterested in food. Please help!

He might seem uninterested in food because he is not seeing properly. I would definitely get him into a vet and have the eye checked out asap. Are both eyes like that? Same goes for grabbing branches. He might not see right.
He may just have a slight infection. Took ours to the vets yesterday as he had a similar problem and he has been given eye drops 3x a day and antibiotics 1x every other day. They also did a swab to check what the issue is. The vet had given ours exocin (ofloxacin) eye drops but other people have also recommended "beaphar eye & skin ointment"
Hey Luke, just saw your thread. I wanted to check in and see how your guy is doing? Kubo (same clutch as yours from Bruce) has been doing well. We've had some mild URIs we've had to deal with, but we can usually get them to go away quickly with some meds.

Hope all is well!
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