US Bulk isopods/bioactive supplies


Established Member
Hi all, I've got a couple bins of isopods I need to thin out. Great for CUC and feeders! All isopods are a dozen for $10, or bulk priced below

Porcellio laevis 'Dairy cow': 100 for $80; 300 for $200

Porcellio pruinosis 'powder orange': 100 for $75; 500 for $230

Trichorhina tomentosa 'Dwarf white': 100 for $75

I also have dermestid beetles, buffalo beetles, Blaberidae sp. "Kenya" and springtail cultures available!
I would wait on selling/shipping any of the isopods until you have your 526 permit #'s. I just got all of mine finalized. The USDA gives you paperwork when they approve your 526's. That paperwork has to be in the box when you ship your isopods. Its something you agree to when you are going through the process, it's like the first selection you have to agree to.
That's fair. The agent I was emailing with recommended I have a new permit for large numbers shipped too, so I planned on filling a new one for any bulk orders as well
I would wait on selling/shipping any of the isopods until you have your 526 permit #'s. I just got all of mine finalized. The USDA gives you paperwork when they approve your 526's. That paperwork has to be in the box when you ship your isopods. Its something you agree to when you are going through the process, it's like the first selection you have to agree to.

First I've ever heard this talked about for isopods, though it doesn't surprise me.
The post office is still delivering christmas cards to me (the few mail items that actually make it and dont get lost)... I doubt they are busy busting open boxes right now with how backed up they are.
I think isopods would be ok. plants and other animals, not so much. just meant that I dont think they're doing much enforcement on things like that (if the box isn't labeled to tell what is in it)
Just a heads up California has dogs that sniff package coming in. The dogs sniff for soil because the soil can harbor unwanted pests or the plant it’s self is prohibited. I have had a few plant shipments get stopped by the dogs when I forget to write on the outside of the box what the plant is and where it was grown. Thankful they always email and my shipments are released quickly for delivery.

just my two cents and experience. I think you are smart to have your duck in a row.
Hmm, I've never had issues with California. I suppose I've only ever shipped plants bare root to anywhere, though. I know a lot of states ban soil; there's a similar permitting process to send soil samples as there is to ship plant pathogens or isopods!
You just may have not know that your shipments have been stopped buy the usda. If they don’t have a way to contact you they will still inspect your package. If you have experienced delays in delivery of your package going into California chances are it was stopped for inspection.

If you are sending house plants they are fine to send
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