Bump on Cham Face


New Member
I noticed a small bump developing on my chams face between his nose and eyes. It has grown to the shown size and has remained the same in color/shape. I dont know if this was from a cricket bite or what, but it has been on him for over a month now.

Any ideas/suggestions?


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90 percent sure that is an abscess.

Vets will give you antibotics and sometimes remove them. I would book and appointment.

Should be a pretty simple fix.

Hope that relieves some stress.
I have a chameleon with one of those!
Its on his side, and the vet says it is an abcess which has probably occured from a scratch or similar.
you can get them removed, but as it wasnt causing mine any trouble I decided to leave it!
I would have the vet to remove them asap.
Abscess is a form of infection. Surely you will agree that it is not good having an untreated infection on your chameleon.
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eek, he had it before I got him, the guy who gave him to me had him checked over by the vet, and she did'nt seem that concerned to remove it straight away!because he was in no discofort,eating and drinking well. we were told if it gets bigger to go back and get it removed!
Do you think this is down to dirty enclosures?Because the guy i got him gave me his enclosure and it STUNK!! and had'nt bin cleaned for a while and was using soil substrate!!
A dirty cage (fungus, mold, bacterias) on top of humid environment are certainly contribute the infection.
may I see a pic of your chameleon abscess as well? I recommend to go to the vet to have the abscess removed and the wound cleaned.
Later, you might want to have Nolvosan handy. Dilute the nolvosan with water (research for the ratio.. I think it's 10 to 1.. I'm not sure). and use it as antiseptic to wipe the wound daily.
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