Bump showed back up šŸ˜‘ Dont want to do another surgery

Havenā€™t updated in a while, but my chameleon is doing well after the removal of his papilomas. But one concern is that on the scarring on the same place 1 of the papilomas was removed a new bump has reappeared? Tbh i dont really want to put my cham through the stress of another anesthesia removal surgery. would the bump affect him?
i will send a pic so you can get a better idea
I would definitely let the vet check it out and find out what it is. If it needs to be lanced, thatā€˜s simple and no anesthesia needed. If it goes unattended, it could become infected and cause serious problems down the road.
Ok! I was going to go do an anual checkup anyway will bring it up wuth the vet.
I would definitely let the vet check it out and find out what it is. If it needs to be lanced, thatā€˜s simple and no anesthesia needed. If it goes unattended, it could become infected and cause serious problems down the road.
Also area might be itchy and he rubbed it against a branch or something and its an ancess in which case it will be needed to be lanced. Keep an eye on the size that it doesnt get too much bigger begore the visit.
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