

New Member
Looks like my dude got a bit burn i have a 100 reptiglo basking bulb in a adjustable fixture ive noticed that temps very off and on it usaully stays around 87-88 but theres times ive checked and it was up to high 90s i dont know if its the fixture or what but he looks like he got a few burns above his eyes and casque im not sure how i should care for them i def dont want them to get infected i have the zilla tropical spray with aloa vera i spray him with every few days ? http://s162.photobucket.com/user/da...A-41F5-A1D4-8582A8EB24ED_zpsfaawksf9.jpg.html
Looks like my dude got a bit burn i have a 100 reptiglo basking bulb in a adjustable fixture ive noticed that temps very off and on it usaully stays around 87-88 but theres times ive checked and it was up to high 90s i dont know if its the fixture or what but he looks like he got a few burns above his eyes and casque im not sure how i should care for them i def dont want them to get infected i have the zilla tropical spray with aloa vera i spray him with every few days ? http://s162.photobucket.com/user/da...A-41F5-A1D4-8582A8EB24ED_zpsfaawksf9.jpg.html

I don't know if aloe vera spray will to much to prevent infection. Two other products that do have antibacterial effects include Silvadene (a burn treatment your vet should have...often they'll give you a sample), or OTC Polysporin ointment.
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