Busy day..


New Member
This young ambilobe female dropped her first clutch today. She looks tired, I think.


Now just the hunt for the eggs, hidden somewhere in the laying can...


After rinsed the sand off of her and moved her back to her cage, it took a while to find them. She had tucked them clear down in the bottom on an edge. 20 eggs, good sized clutch for her first.
must have been some tireing work. how deep do you have the soil or sand cant tell?
COngratulation Heika......... Let me know when you have anything hatching,...

Dylan....now is summer get some sleep...LOL... You don't have to be on the forum 24/7....
Dylan....now is summer get some sleep...LOL... You don't have to be on the forum 24/7....[/QUOTE]

its those dang lights its like a allarm clock. anyways i never stop doing things like last night i was out at midnight trying to find some frogs with a light lol.
If it is red body blue barred ambilobe...i am interested!!

Yeah, they will be, hopefully. Morpheus is the daddy and mom comes from one of the best red bodied blue bar lineages around.

Great pictures Heika! Wishing you the best on the hatching process. It is so hard to wait!

Isn't it, though?!? I am incubating these nice and slow at room temp. It will be a long wait, hopefully worth it in the end.
Nope, that was Adonis.

This is Morpheus, as of 10 minutes ago. Sorry, he really wasn't being very cooperative about having his picture taken.

I love those red and blues, (big spiderman freak here) giv me the info I may be intersted in a baby also next year if your sellin em that is... thanx
Thanks, everyone.

He is a pretty boy. She is recovering just fine. She is a nice chameleon from good breeding, and I can certainly attest to the fact that she has good strong bones, because she bites me every time I touch her.. :D

I don't want to count my chickens before they hatch.. but if I have any available, I will post them up here next year.

Where did you get Morpheous from? Chameleon Paradise or Amazing Blue Reptile?..........If it is from Chameleon Paradise...it should be from the half brother of Rekka...because the color does reminds me of the bloe on red chameleon available on Chamaleon Paradise. I won't breed them with Rekka offspring...but definately find them some other spouse!:D
Where did you get Morpheous from? Chameleon Paradise or Amazing Blue Reptile?..........If it is from Chameleon Paradise...it should be from the half brother of Rekka...because the color does reminds me of the bloe on red chameleon available on Chamaleon Paradise. I won't breed them with Rekka offspring...but definately find them some other spouse!:D

He was produced by Amazing Blue. He is from their Flash line. :D I plan to eventually pick up a female from Chameleon Paradise.. would make amazing babies, I think. Anyone notice the young one that FlChams has up for sale? Looks like a young Morpheus.

Yeah Amazing blue have amazing red body blue barred ambilobe... but he hardly update the availability. I would love to pick up some female from him. Chamaleon Paradise's ambilobe came from Woodrow, which is Rekka's half brother, and he is really awesome...now they managed to produce really nice wide blue barred red body ambiloges.
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