Cage change questions


Chameleon Enthusiast
Hellloooo! I recently decided I’m going to redo all 3 of my chameleons cages, just the branch and plant structure so I’m more happy with it and there’s a few changes I’ve been wanting to make. But myself being the way I am, I’m feeling super worried and guilty about where to keep them while I do this? Obviously I won’t do them at the same time, but If anyone has any recommendations that would be super helpful! Last time I redid their cages I put them in a dark box with a stick but I felt like I stressed them out and I just wanna make this worry free for me not having to overthink so much about stressing them out 😅. Sorry if I rambled a little too much but I think I got what I needed out!😂
I’ve done the dark box most times I’ve redone or deep cleaned my chameleon enclosures. I recently got a tree for a free range to try when I need them out of their enclosure. This is also a nice option but they tend to try and sneak off when no one is looking so someone in my family hangs out with me while I do the enclosure and they just keep a watchful eye on the free range for me.
I do a dark box every time. They will sleep and actually this is a very low stress option to ensure their safety while you are occupied doing cage changes.
A lot of reptiles are like this too, I wanted to suggest this. But at the same time I thought to myself I shouldn’t say anything with chameleons. 😄
I’ve done enclosure upgrades a few times. If it’s something that will take less than 15 - 30 mins, I bring in a small tree and sit them on it and keep a close eye on them. Over 30 minutes, it’s the dark box. If it’s going to take a few hours, they get to sleep in the small chameleon kit enclosure on one of their plants for the night. I have done upgrades that took a few days to complete and did have the luxury of an extra enclosure at that time.
I do a dark box every time. They will sleep and actually this is a very low stress option to ensure their safety while you are occupied doing cage changes.
Thank you so much! I ended up doing the box and he did fall asleep lol, was a struggle getting him out but once he was out he was okay. Thank you for the help 🤗
I’ve done the dark box most times I’ve redone or deep cleaned my chameleon enclosures. I recently got a tree for a free range to try when I need them out of their enclosure. This is also a nice option but they tend to try and sneak off when no one is looking so someone in my family hangs out with me while I do the enclosure and they just keep a watchful eye on the free range for me.
I wanted to try the tree option too but was just worried they would do something devious when I wasn’t looking so I just put todo in a box lol. First time I did it I felt so guilty but it wasn’t as bad this time!
A lot of reptiles are like this too, I wanted to suggest this. But at the same time I thought to myself I shouldn’t say anything with chameleons. 😄
Yeah the first time I did this I felt terrible about it so that’s why I came on here to ask if anyone had different experiences lol but it seems like the dark box is the best option!
I’ve done enclosure upgrades a few times. If it’s something that will take less than 15 - 30 mins, I bring in a small tree and sit them on it and keep a close eye on them. Over 30 minutes, it’s the dark box. If it’s going to take a few hours, they get to sleep in the small chameleon kit enclosure on one of their plants for the night. I have done upgrades that took a few days to complete and did have the luxury of an extra enclosure at that time.
I should definitely look into a spare cage to put whoever’s cage I’m redoing in that would make it so much easier! Thank you for the help🤩
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