Calcium Deposit Help


New Member
This is Paschal he is 1yr old we just got him today from a lady who can't pay to have him around anymore and we noticed this strange bump between his eyes, we asked my cousin who studies reptiles and she said it looked like a calcium deposit, we asked vet and he said same thing, we are taking him to vet tomorrow to find out for sure and to get it removed if it is, my fiance and I wanted to ask anyone who has dealt with this about how long does it take to heal (scab up) and scar (also if possible what the scar looks like) after they remove it, and what kind of things would help him other than the drops the vet should give us?
I really don't think it's a calcium deposit. I think it's a lot more likely to be an abscess. If that's what it is, the vet would have remove the lump and clean out the infected area. I think they would also prescribe antibiotics to completely clear the infection. I've never dealt with an abscess personally, but have read about other people's experiences here.
he also appears to have mbd to me. i would get him to the vet asap
Yeah we thought that too, apparently the owner we got him from took very poor care of him, he hasn't had uvb in about 3 months because they never had one on him so we've gotten him a big one and it's on him and he's been on the top part of cage right by light :(
I agree, not calcium deposit. There are a few issues that I see going on. Does your vet have experience with chameleons?
I don't know specifically chameleons since he has multiple locations and he's an all animals doctor, i know he's dealt with reptiles, we are going for the full checkup later today though. I just really hope we can undo the damage his previous owners have done.
I definitely would not take him back to the vet that told you that was a calcium deposit. This is very common in Veilds and as stated by other members is more than likely an abcess.
If my grandma have a heart problem,I wouldn't take her to go see a Gynecologist,It dont look like a calcium deposit to me.
I definitely would not take him back to the vet that told you that was a calcium deposit. This is very common in Veilds and as stated by other members is more than likely an abcess.
He looked at it from a different angle and lighting and such, he said it was an Abcess after he looked at it in person, he has drained it and gave us the drops to put on it to keep it from being infected while it heals.
Chameleons specialist vet is the only way to go...what did the all animal doctor said??
Just told us to take him to vet in town to drain the Abcess, then monday we are going to their specialist to give us everything we need to help with the MBD and give him a little checkup to see if anything else is wrong with him
Just told us to take him to vet in town to drain the Abcess, then monday we are going to their specialist to give us everything we need to help with the MBD and give him a little checkup to see if anything else is wrong with him
Awesome and I will sent my pray ur way,hopefully everything work out for ur cham.
You are more than welcome,props for what u did,there are whole lots of chameleons lovers will do the same here in this forum!!
Well I thought it was a unicorn. lol but for real awesome you was able to get it taken care of. im sure he's going to be great now. It's a good thing you guys got to him when you did that had to be uncomfortable for the poor fella
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