Calcium? plants? mixed thread,


New Member
Hi, today i found a store that had calcium in it, Its called NATURAL CALCIUM.
made by EURO REP, no phosohorus. its just calcium carbonate, so hope fuly this is ok, all i need is a multivit, which my place should have in a few days,

Any1 used this? i take it this should be fine?

I went to my local b and q today, and found a DEVILS IVY, and a UMBRELLA TREE, they had fiscus but they were way too big. are these plants 100% safe? to use i think i read so thanks. if so im gonna wash leaves, and change the peat to a soil with no chemicals on it. thanks
Hi, these plants i have, i have taken off the pots cleaned dirt off,

Then washed the whole plants in a antibacterial hand soap,

Then left them in the shower for 20 mins in a warm/hot water to wash them off,

Then im going to repot them, in an organic soil, is this ok? sorry for the threads but was unsure if they had any pesticides etc on them as they women in there did not know, i thinking this should be enough? thanks

The plants i have is an devils ivy,which i think is pothos?

It came in a hanging pot,

And an umbrella tree, but i know there are two type of this one being toxic, mine has green/yellow type leaves, im thinking its the safe one which is arboricola, as the tags only state the first name being Schefflera which is annoying but have looked at pics online hopefuly its coreect, thanks
Devil's Ivy is Pohtos so that one is OK. I've only seen them in hanging pots at B&Q too. I always get Scheffleras from there too and never had any issues with them. Amy was quite a leaf muncher when she was 3 - 4 months old and the Scheffleras were changed quite frequently,lol!:D
Oh thats good to know thanks its quite a nice plant , fairly big leaves looking forward to it being in there, just got to go out get some more clean soil,

And the umbrella tree is good too, hope its the right one, i will try and get some pics, but cannot find camera cable anywhere :mad:, thanks
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