New Member
Hi, today i found a store that had calcium in it, Its called NATURAL CALCIUM.
made by EURO REP, no phosohorus. its just calcium carbonate, so hope fuly this is ok, all i need is a multivit, which my place should have in a few days,
Any1 used this? i take it this should be fine?
I went to my local b and q today, and found a DEVILS IVY, and a UMBRELLA TREE, they had fiscus but they were way too big. are these plants 100% safe? to use i think i read so thanks. if so im gonna wash leaves, and change the peat to a soil with no chemicals on it. thanks
Hi, today i found a store that had calcium in it, Its called NATURAL CALCIUM.
made by EURO REP, no phosohorus. its just calcium carbonate, so hope fuly this is ok, all i need is a multivit, which my place should have in a few days,
Any1 used this? i take it this should be fine?
I went to my local b and q today, and found a DEVILS IVY, and a UMBRELLA TREE, they had fiscus but they were way too big. are these plants 100% safe? to use i think i read so thanks. if so im gonna wash leaves, and change the peat to a soil with no chemicals on it. thanks