calcium supplement

Im periodically running to my vet to get liquid calcium as a supplement for my gravid females. I know its an over the counter item , because it is cherry or raspberry flavoured . My vet dispenses it into a container, puts a label on it and charges me up the wazoo. So, I'm curious if anyone knows what human supplement , is sold at a pharmacy ; what brand???...

Life Brand (Shoppers Drug Mart) used to have an inexpensive liquid calcium (both regular and fruity flavoured) but when I went to look for some this past summer, I was told they don't make it anymore. I also inquired about some name brands (Sandoz) and was told no. Perhaps this has changed now?

Maybe some smaller pharmacies have it or they could compound a bottle for you.

You could also check the pharmacies south of the border on one of your frequent business trips!

If you find any let me know. It's always a good thing to have in a my chameleon first aid kit.

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