Caliente - Red Ambilobie Panther


New Member
Just picked up my second Chameleon and his name is Caliente! he is a Red Ambilobie Panther. I think his name is appropriate since he is a Spit Fire coined by his breeder Julie and a name she gave one of her females which I think is fitting for him also.

Here is a picture of Caliente:


Here is a picture of his cage which I set up this morning so there is still much to do with it. The MistKing mister has been ordered I will be ordering a 3d releif background like my other cage and am thinking about building an automated cricket feeder, any thoughts?




I will post more pictures once he calms down a little he is still a bit freaked out with all the movement he has been through over the past 24 hours
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Looks good, Jerry. But you may want to add a few more vines/climbing areas for him. Otherwise, looks fantastic. :)
He is actually 9 months old (closer to 10).

Thanks Julie yeah I really need more upper structure and will be adding much more in fact I created an upper track for him and he likes to take laps every now and again.

He went outside for 10 minutes today I think he liked it. I have not seen his stool yet but he has peed. Will keep looking for it.

Today I made a mash of collard greens, dandelions, water chestnuts for the crickets they seem to like it so I can't wait to feed them to the chams tomorrow. I need to add mustard greens and an endive but could not find them at the store today and hope to find it when I make the bulk food to freeze
This type of panther is my favorite. I love red bars with lots of red in the body along with oranges and yellows!!! I bet he fires up real nice!!! Great choice!
This type of panther is my favorite. I love red bars with lots of red in the body along with oranges and yellows!!! I bet he fires up real nice!!! Great choice!

Yes, Jared, he has some stunning yellows and oranges on his tummy when he gets a little p***y. ;):rolleyes:
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