California Forum Members

El Camaleon

It seems most of the forum members are in California, Let's see all the members that are in California post up what city you reside in. Some of us might even be neighbors.
Ha - you are the lucky one! we want to move north. Too crowded and too much traffic down here.

The weather is what I miss the most, being able to keep reptiles in the back yard and being able to surf before I went to work was also a perk. Don't get me wrong it's fun here as well! Hour and a half east or west and I have some kind of activity.
The weather is what I miss the most, being able to keep reptiles in the back yard and being able to surf before I went to work was also a perk. Don't get me wrong it's fun here as well! Hour and a half east or west and I have some kind of activity.

We want to stay on the coast and if we stop spending all our money spoiling chameleons we may get up there someday!
I am in Lancaster, about an hour north/east from Los Angeles. Weather here is either hot or cold...but always windy.
Hi..Costa Mesa.....perfect weather here...usually. I put all my reptiles outside when I'm not at work...some live outside.
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