Can Anyone tell if this is a boy or girl ?


New Member
So this baby panther ambilobe is about 2-3 months old and I was wondering if anyone can tell if it is a girl or boy ?



If there is a little bump just above the rear feet it is a male if not its a female.

This only applies to veiled chameleons, not to panthers or other common pet species.

In fear of coming off mean, I kindly request that only people who are sure reply to any sexing or identification threads. Having people guess only confuses the original poster and makes it harder for them to get a reliable answer.
In fear of coming off mean, I kindly request that only people who are sure reply to any sexing or identification threads. Having people guess only confuses the original poster and makes it harder for them to get a reliable answer.

Agreed!!! We could use better pics of a side profile but it has typical female coloration and I can see some of the tail base in the first pic. Im almost certain its a female but if you could get a few pics of a side profile I can tell you a for sure answer.
Ok my bad, so how dose one tell with a panther then?

The hemipenal bulge or lack of is the way to tell. They also have their own little color schemes even when they first hatch out but the best way is looking for a bulge. Its not really easy to the untrained eye.
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