Can Chameleon feed for Exo-Terra canned food ?


New Member
can Fisher’s Two Horned Chameleon feed for exo-terra canned food like grasshoppers or mealWorms or crickets ?
Generally gut loaded live insects are considered to be the best sources of food.

i manage to get live insects like Crickets, Mealworm, Roaches (Nymph) for my sub-adult chameleon. i also plan to feed them House gecko (adult size) when it became adult.

i heard that they need different food so they will not get Anorexia nervosa (refuse to eat).

so i worry if i cannot provide different food for it, it will get Anorexia nervosa (refuse to eat), and refuse to eat and dead.
Movement seems to be a big part of chameleon feeding response, but if they will eat "canned bugs," I'm sure it's better than nothing!
Generally when they say different, they are referring to a variety of feeders, i.e. silkworms, crickets, butterworms, waxworms, supers, I believe it is meant to deter people from a single staple food source, such as crickets all the time or supers all the time.
Thanks for replying ^ ^

oic , i also heard that Mealworm is not a good feeder for chameleon because it hard to digest and have high adipose (fat), if feeding too much chameleon will not healthy and dead fast , is that true ?
I don't know where you are located, but here are a couple of suppliers of feeder insects in the USA:
You can also look in the Classifieds "Chameleon Food" forum for feeders.
The more variety in your cham's diet, the better.
It is also very important to "gutload" your feeders with nutritious food, so that your feeder insects are as nutritious as possible.
Here's a thread about gutloading and others can be found if you use the search feature:
Oh feeding house geckos. :(

Mealworms are somewhat nutritious but should not be fed often because of their high chitin to meat ratio. Your chameleon can get constipated.
Now, this is not to say you should completely avoid the mealworm, just be careful. If you feed them freshly molted their chitin is softer and probably easier to digest.

My chameleons love to eat crickets and superworms, but will try hornworms and dubia.

The favorite staples for chameleons seem to be some sort of roach (lateralis, dubia, etc.), crickets, or over the pond, it seems to be.... okay my brain isn't working...
I can't think of what it is but it's similar to a grasshopper. I just woke up! :p
Oh feeding house geckos. :(

Mealworms are somewhat nutritious but should not be fed often because of their high chitin to meat ratio. Your chameleon can get constipated.
Now, this is not to say you should completely avoid the mealworm, just be careful. If you feed them freshly molted their chitin is softer and probably easier to digest.

My chameleons love to eat crickets and superworms, but will try hornworms and dubia.

The favorite staples for chameleons seem to be some sort of roach (lateralis, dubia, etc.), crickets, or over the pond, it seems to be.... okay my brain isn't working...
I can't think of what it is but it's similar to a grasshopper. I just woke up! :p

Locust, it is a grasshopper, just in hyper mode.;)
Locust, it is a grasshopper, just in hyper mode.;)
Hyper grasshopper activate! It's too bad we don't have them over here, at least in ready supply.

I knew it was something that started with an L but the first thing that came to mind was Lubber. D'oh.
Please use live, gutloaded insects. canned/dried bugs not only dont move, they also were not gutloaded, and (obviously) lack any water content. Hydrated prey helps hydrate the lizard

Types of feeders commonly used:

Where to buy feeders online, if stores near you dont cary much selection:

Info on gutloading and nutrition:
I don't know where you are located, but here are a couple of suppliers of feeder insects in the USA:
You can also look in the Classifieds "Chameleon Food" forum for feeders.
The more variety in your cham's diet, the better.
It is also very important to "gutload" your feeders with nutritious food, so that your feeder insects are as nutritious as possible.
Here's a thread about gutloading and others can be found if you use the search feature:

I am form Malaysia.
Currently i use some cat food and vegetable for my cricket, mealworm are eating food provide by the seller.

Oh feeding house geckos. :(

Mealworms are somewhat nutritious but should not be fed often because of their high chitin to meat ratio. Your chameleon can get constipated.
Now, this is not to say you should completely avoid the mealworm, just be careful. If you feed them freshly molted their chitin is softer and probably easier to digest.

My chameleons love to eat crickets and superworms, but will try hornworms and dubia.

The favorite staples for chameleons seem to be some sort of roach (lateralis, dubia, etc.), crickets, or over the pond, it seems to be.... okay my brain isn't working...
I can't think of what it is but it's similar to a grasshopper. I just woke up! :p

house geckos are not suitable for chameleon ? i am not catching myself but buying form pet shop who breeding themselves.
Stop using cat food, the high protein content is going to cause health problems in your chameleon. Chameleons aren't really suited to digest animal protein, so in large amounts it causes harm. Read Sandrachameleon's blogs, they're an excellent reference, and they list lots of goodies you can use instead that will be much healthier.

I wouldn't feed geckos either, they're typically infested with parasites. And it's more animal protein. Since they're insectivores, I think it's better to stick to an insect diet.
I am form Malaysia.
Currently i use some cat food and vegetable for my cricket, mealworm are eating food provide by the seller.

house geckos are not suitable for chameleon ? i am not catching myself but buying form pet shop who breeding themselves.

I agree, no more cat food.

I personally don't like feeding geckos to anything, however, I hate to say it but it is suitable in some cases. :(
Stop using cat food, the high protein content is going to cause health problems in your chameleon. Chameleons aren't really suited to digest animal protein, so in large amounts it causes harm. Read Sandrachameleon's blogs, they're an excellent reference, and they list lots of goodies you can use instead that will be much healthier.

I wouldn't feed geckos either, they're typically infested with parasites. And it's more animal protein. Since they're insectivores, I think it's better to stick to an insect diet.

Wow , thanks for the information ~ i will stop using cat food from now.
i will stop my planning for feeding the the house geckos for adult chameleon.

Will read the Sandrachameleon's blogs.
#1) why would you use canned insects when they are not gutloaded as previous posters have stated
#2) why would you use dead smelly insects (they are rauuuunchy in stench) when you can use not-so-stinky live ones
#3) they mold VERY VERY fast if not refrigerated, some people dont know this
#4) why use dead insects in a can when you have the option to buy dozens-hundreds and thousands SO much cheaper
#5) it is hard to even hand feed dead food (from my own experience)

you do the math (#1-5 = 0 benefits)
I agree, no more cat food.

I personally don't like feeding geckos to anything, however, I hate to say it but it is suitable in some cases. :(

i was gonna say, "you just wait until syn finds out you plan on feeding geckos"

suitable in some cases, but not often enough for chameleons. feeding them lizards and mice is never a good option unless it is for a very malnurited and stupid skinny cham. and even in these cases, you have natural and very effective medications (Reptaid & Repta Aid) that will safely nuritrionalize a chameleon back to eating on its self again and in normal state amounts.
#1) why would you use canned insects when they are not gutloaded as previous posters have stated
#2) why would you use dead smelly insects (they are rauuuunchy in stench) when you can use not-so-stinky live ones
#3) they mold VERY VERY fast if not refrigerated, some people dont know this
#4) why use dead insects in a can when you have the option to buy dozens-hundreds and thousands SO much cheaper
#5) it is hard to even hand feed dead food (from my own experience)

you do the math (#1-5 = 0 benefits)

i didnt feeding any canned food , i just asking can feed or not.
since many ppl told me to feed different or variety of feeders to avoid Anorexia nervosa (refuse to eat), they say if eat same feeder , chameleon will get Anorexia nervosa (refuse to eat), and refuse to eat until dead.

i just think can get more different food for them or not.

i only able to get Crickets, Mealworm, Roaches (Nymph) or maybe some dubia.

for sure canned food is more expensive than the live feeder,and dead feeder is also not good compare to live ~

i also worry about the canned food problem , that why i post here to ask.

i was gonna say, "you just wait until syn finds out you plan on feeding geckos"

suitable in some cases, but not often enough for chameleons. feeding them lizards and mice is never a good option unless it is for a very malnurited and stupid skinny cham. and even in these cases, you have natural and very effective medications (Reptaid & Repta Aid) that will safely nuritrionalize a chameleon back to eating on its self again and in normal state amounts.

Sorry for this, i have not knowledge.
I will stopped my plan on feeding geckos (because i only thinks , given them different food will make them more healthy)


i also feed it Multi Vitamin Powder (Exo-Terra) 2 week once and Calcium Powder (Exo-Terra) 1 week once.

Is this fine ? or need change the timetable ?
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