can chams eat butterflys?

backwood fred

New Member
i was wondering if chams can eat wild cought butterflys? my girlfrend cought some butterflys in the garden and i was wondering if i could feed them to my chams
Sounds like a good idea. I want to know the samething with any wild insects thats good for a chameleon
depends on the butterfly.... painted ladies are OK... but you can't feed monarch... they eat milkweed which is bad for your cham... not sure if it'll kill the cham, but I know it is a baaad idea.

another thing to remember is that wild insects eat all sorts of things.... things you may not want and probably shouldn't feed your cham.
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depends on the butterfly.... painted ladies are OK... but you can't feed monarch... they eat milkweed which is bad for your cham... not sure if it'll kill the cham, but I know it is a baaad idea.

another thing to remember is that wild insects eat all sorts of things.... things you may not want and probably shouldn't feed your cham.

I know I won't know for sure until either Kip molts or I get a DNA test, but the behaviour being shown recently kind of makes me think that Kip is a late blooming male.
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parasites probably not much of an issue w/ butterflies, though, eh? at least i haven't heard of it, but everytime i've seen a wild one its black and orange, which im guessing is the poisonous monarch.
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