Can chams get colds ?


New Member
I think i am just worrying for nothing, but is it possible for chams to catch colds or just not feel up to snuf? I have an 8 month old veil female that just isn't acting right and I don't know if i am just overreacting because of mylatest ordeal with my female panther or if i should really be worried. Here is the problem. She hasn't eaten for 3 days, she isn't drinking from her dripper or when i spray her, so for the last couple of days she has been getting 30-40 minute showers where she drinks the entire time. Her veil looks very thin, but the last time i posted a pic of her asking if anyone thought she looked dehydrated everyone said no. Although i tend to think she might be a lttle. Her grip is weaker then normal and she is normally a screamer if you try to pick her up and now she just lets me, which i like, but is way off for her. She is constantly up by her basking lite, like all day, her bask temp is about 87. I did just put her in a larger cage because she was getting larger. Could this be the cause? Could she not feel safe or something? It did start about the same time. I did completely sterilie it before she went in it. She is also losing weight. 1 month ago she was 32 gr and now she is 22. For background she is half the size of her sister but i attributed this to the fact that for a month she was between 2 other chams, who she couldn't see, but she could see shadows. I never noticed that for about 1 month and as soon as i fixed that she immediately started gaining weight. But i have no idea what could be going on now. Oh also her color is off, she is darker than usual Besides the cage nothing else has changed. Help. Could she just be going through a phase or should i bring her for check up?
I think she needs to go in to see the vet (sorry ... you and the vet must be becoming good friends)

Two things that would make me concerned:

losing 1/3 of her weight in a month

not eating (the females are always hungry*)


*That sounds like I've had a bunch of females ... I haven't, but everyone seems to experience this and the one I have would eat everything if given the opportunity.
Do you have any ideas as to what i could tell him to look for? Yes we are on a first name basis. Besides my chams we also have a tortoise rescue. He is a great guy, but not really to up on chams and stuff.
I read back through your other posts and looked at the pics. Her feces definately was very small for her size and very runny. In your pic you had only a front shot, can you give us one from the side where you can see her head to her tale? Basically she has lost a lot of weight but I want to see if she appears thin, it was hard to tell from your other pic. Is she awake almost all day? Does she climb on the top of the cage? Normally for putting on weight fast many people use worms as feeder, but you said that she doesn't like them, have you tried superworms? Also, I don't know if I would shower her that much, her feces definately look too runny and her eyes were full. If her tail is then it can be because there very liitle fat on her (that is also why you can see if a cham is dehydrate because fat is mainly water). So, if you can try more fatty feeders occassionally to see if that will put more weight on her bones and also many chameleons wait until you leave the room to start drinking off the leave (I guess they just feel more comfortable) so don't be worried her eyes looked very full and her poo looked actually too runny. So, she isn't dehydrated.

Hi Debby,

I would go with your instincts and err on the side of caution. Brad's points about weight loss and appetite loss are concerning. Perhaps it has to do with the enclosure (lighting, temps, drafts,ect..). Could I trouble you to post pics of the enclosure?

Also, to answer your first question, yes they can get colds in a sense - that is they can develop respiratory infections and other illnesses. Many reptiles benefit from increased temperatures and decreased stress when they are sick... which I'm sure your vet told you. Try adding 10 degrees to her basking site, especially if she is constantly sitting there trying to get warm.

I really hope she is fine.

- Joe
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