Can dubia feed on dog biscuits?


Established Member
...and do I have to crush them up really well?

My colony seems to be doing okay, but I want to be sure I'm not starving the little buggers. I've just been throwing in some partially crushed up dog biscuits while I grow the herd, but I don't crumble them up to the point of crumbs or anything. will this be okay? ...i mean after all they're roaches right.. they'll eat anything...
If you are just growing your colony at the moment this is fine. When you are feeding them off though you want to not use dog or cat foods as they contain a high amount of protien which can be bad for the cham.

Oh ands we crush ours up fairly fine. :) throw some veggies and oranges in there also it keeps them healthy and happy and that means breeding.

Gpmo (him)
Yeah def won't be feeding high protein foods when I'm feeding them off, but I'm just growing this colony.

I just wondered if I had to crush the biscuits up really well or not for the roaches to be able to eat them...
Waring blender

Yup. Crush or purée dry. Mix with cooked rice and a bit of banana slurry and your little dubias will be very happy. I go through a lot of this roach slop and they are breeding at a great rate.
So sorry to steal this thread but how long before you feed them off do you stop feeding the high protein food and start mainly using gutload like greens and veggies?
So sorry to steal this thread but how long before you feed them off do you stop feeding the high protein food and start mainly using gutload like greens and veggies?

I would go 3 days to be safe but you should be ok with like 2 but why not be safe right

B. dubias don't seem to be fond of green food; I feel it would take more than two days before they ate much of the dandelion, parsley, and kale I provide. They like sweet and starchy things. Kind of like my birds.
We have two diffferent gutloads we are using atm with our Dubias, one is a veggie and the other a fruit. We cannot keep enough food in their bins it seems like. And powdered dog food. As we are also growing our colony atm.

Gotta say we have some seperated out for feeding and our yemen loves them, they get munched down fast.

Gpmo (him)
Im currently growing mine,

I crush up cat biscuits with a rolling pin, so its like a powder,

I feed them fresh greens fruit and some vege, they seem fine, when i feed them out im going to seperate some,

Then feed them my gutloading foods i feed the other feeders, for about two weeks untill i feed the chams hopefuly be ok, mine seem to love carrot and dandelion.
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