sunlight is very beneficial for him.
The best time to bask for him is 10 am to 2 pm.
put the cage half in sunlight and the other half in shadow, so he can escape from the heat if he is overheating.
he'll generally go to cooler area when he had enough.
That's why you need to supervise him.
I always believe that the longer you can put your cham outside for basking, the better..
Just remember to give him an area to escape from the sun if he wants to.
also consider humidity of the area.
if the outside air is too dry (below 30%) you might want to wet the ground or mist the cage with warm water once in a while during basking. just avoid wetting the baby, since water will drop his body temp ..
I try to stretch my season for basking in natural sunlight out as long as possible. We only get a few months of warm/hot weather here in the Pacific Northwest. I have a concrete patio which stores and radiates heat. I put the sunning cage next to my brick house exterior which also stores and radiates heat. During the spring and fall where the temperatures are not themselves warm enough or there is a danger of cooling due to shade, I clamp a high wattage spot light bulb (150 watt) on to a patio chair. I have to use an extension cord to power it, but that's no big deal. The bulb is pointed at the chameleon but the chameleon can not access the bulb to get burned by it. I keep a thermometer near the cham to monitor the temp. This works well. I get another month in spring and another month in the fall for basking in real sun.
make sure part of the enclosure is in the shade, and remember that the sun moves (or rather the earth moves relative to the sun - you know what i mean) so what is shaded now, might not be in an hour.